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March 11th, 2008 at 09:42 pm
Last wedn. I had to take my DD1 to the ER. She was having pains in her lower abdomen and throwing up. They ran all kinds of tests and concluded she had a severe UTI that spread to her bladder and kidneys. She spent 2 days in the hospital being pumped full of antibiotics through an IV. The first day we were there a rep. from the hospital came to tell me that my hospital admission co-pay is $250 per day for the 1st three days and guess what???? I work for that hospital!! (well the smaller urgent care clinic associated with it.
I gave her a check for $250 and told her that they could payroll deduct the rest. The cafeteria food was terrible so I did end up buying food for us from the cafeteria but I did get a 30% discount. She is home now and doing very well.
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March 3rd, 2008 at 10:22 pm
This past weekend I worked, DH stayed home recuperating from being sick so between him and I no money spent. DD1 did not go anywhere requiring $ and DD2 got her first full paycheck so she was on her own. Then..... last night DD2 coughs and coughs and today my day off I take her to where I work (urgent care clinic and we do not pay a co-pay) but then I have to fork out money for Mucinex and albuterol and take her car to the shop and pay $42 to have the blinkers fixed.
DH and I bought her a used car that is a lemon. We paid $2,500 to a 40 something couple who live in a well to do neighborhood and it was their teenagers car. He told us he was selling it because she did not need it anymore. Liar. He knew it was having issues. We were stupid not to take it to a mechanic first but they seemed so nice. So far new TRANSMISSION $1,800, new radiator $100, new sensor for radiator $30, new blinkers $42, and now there is something wrong with the water pump. We told DD2 that when she graduates she will have to work full time and buy her own car.
This is really starting to bring me down.
Posted in
February 28th, 2008 at 03:39 pm
I just figured out my total spending for the month and broke it down into categories.
Eating out or take out: $196.65
This is due partly to the fact that I work 12 hour shifts during the week and 10 during the weekend so when I get out of work I do not want to cook. I need to plan dinners ahead and cook them on my days off and freeze for later.
Groceries: $%348.25
I know it is probably more than that I just misplaced some of my reciepts.
Gas: $100 and maybe more just for me as my husbands employer pays for his gas.
Unnecessary: $215.88 and probably more.
This was due to items purchased for in laws coming as well as some items for DD2. Oh and Yankee candles for MIL and my Sis when I visit her at the end of the mont.
Miscellaneous: $225.46
Cap and gown
DD2 lunch money
Best Buy cash payment for 2yr warranty
Medicines- $45
Grand total not including bills, some items put on Lowes card, the new computer, and DH lunches for the week (since I can't track that) is: $1,131.24
Savings with coupons: $18.25
This is bad. Now I know what I need to work on .
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February 27th, 2008 at 07:48 pm
I have not been able to get online due to computer issues. Our computer was 4.5 years old and the hard drive was dying. Best Buy said they could replace the hard drive for $300 or I could buy a new tower for $500 or more. However, I could get a whole package for $750 so that is what I did. It has a flat screen 19" monitor and it will take some getting used to. I put this purchase on my Best Buy CC and will make monthly payments on it.
My ederly neighbor that fell last week is home. She is waiting to see the ortho doctor. She has a broken arm and bruises everywhere including a black eye. I am going to go over there in a little bit and check on her. She really needs to have a visiting nurse to come check on her.
My in-laws were here from NC this past weekend and stayed for two nights. As a result of them coming I spent too much money on getting the house ready. I had to replace three rugs due to my pekignese wearing them out with his claws. Whenever he goes to lay down on the rug he rakes them with his claws as if he is digging a hole to lay in. I also bought some mulch and flowers to replace the dead ones in my pots outside. We also bought food and wine for Sat. night and had my parents over for dinner as well.
I am going to see what is in our pantry and freezer and see if I can get away with using all that up so I do not have to spend much on groceries this coming week. DH has some venison a friend gave him so he will make chili with that this weekend.
Well off to see the neighbor!
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February 20th, 2008 at 07:34 pm
Yesterday I went to Walmart Super store (I really dislike this store and I usually go to the Walmart supermarket but I needed a bath rug) and I spent $24 on unnecessary items. I bought DD2 two pairs of shoes the ballet style for school at $7 a pr and a pretty tank top for $7. Neither were necessary but I know she mentioned she wanted more shoes like her one pair and I knew she would like the top. I have decided that from now on I will NOT grocery shop at the superstores.
Yesterday I went out front and saw the weirdest thing. People were in the middle of our road surrounding a lime green chair. I then noticed that an elderly lady was sitting in the chair and realized it was my neighbor. I went over to her (noone knew her because they live too far down the road). She had fallen in the street and scraped up her knees and when the paramedics came they said she broke her shoulder as well. I went to her house and got her purse and locked up her house and called her son. She is 90 years old and lives alone but she is very able bodied and independant. I pray she is ok.
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February 19th, 2008 at 02:23 pm
DD1 came home from work last night and said she had a bad headache. She had taken a Motrin earler but it did not work. She threw up a couple of times and I explained to her that she had a migraine and just needed to lay in the dark. She was scared because her cousin died at her age 5 years ago from a brain anuerysm. I finally took her to the clinic. I work at one of the branches of this clinic so we do not have to pay a co-pay. However, I did fill a script for Imitrex (pharmacist said the 10 pills without insurance were $250 !!!!) I paid $25 for them and as we were pulling away from drive thru DD says I feel better now. What!! Why didn't you tell me before I paid for the pills?!? I do not have $25 to throw away. She said well now Daddy can have them when he has a migraine. She is right but everytime I try to save or pay ahead or stay on budget I end up spending $ in some other way.
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February 18th, 2008 at 09:26 pm
We went and picked up DD1's car today. Total was $1,911.01. At least she has reliable transportation now to school and work. After all is said and done I will owe my parents $800.00.
I went to Super Target afterwards and spent approx. $45. I bought a throw rug for DD2's room previously $20 on clearance for $12. I also bought a table runner for the foyer table for $7.50 previously $15.00. The rest was food.
I would not have bought those last two items if if were not for the fact that my in-laws are coming to visit this weekend. They moved from Fl last year as did my sister to N. Carolina. My inlaws to the mountains and my sister outside of Raleigh. I am trying to get the house in shape before they get here as it has been a little neglected lately. We replaced all of interior doors from the cheapy flat panels to 6 panels. We are slowly going to get the house ready to sell in the future. We are using our Lowes cc and when we sell the house we will use some of the profit to pay the card off (as well as others).
It is supposed to storm here tonight. Today has been very hot and humid but weirdly very windy too. We will stay home tonight and have fetuccine alfredo with chicken and sun dried tomatoes, salad, and crusty french bread for dinner. Yumm!!
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February 17th, 2008 at 08:10 pm
I am. Every time we get 2 steps ahead we fall 5 steps back. Here is what our financial state looks like right at this moment:
DD1's car in shop $1911.00 to fix (have to borrow the money from my parents and pay them back)
My door handles on the back doors of my van are broken and to replace them will be $420 for parts and labor (One is completely broken off and the other barely hanging so when that one goes we will not be able to open the doors from the outside. This is not covered by warranty.
I forgot to include a $242 payment in my check register and I used my debit card since then and I have incurred $75 in fees.
My tax refund is $2600 but we owe the $2100 from a 2005 error so they will take that off the top and I will give the rest ot parents for the car.
Our computer is messed up and needs to be taken to be fixed and I need to purchase windows xp so that will be approx. $350.
I am very frustrated!!!
Posted in
December 11th, 2007 at 08:47 pm
Shopping for my DD1 is fun this year. She is happy with anything. She already has the digital camera, cell phone and ipod so I get to buy alot of little things for her. So far I bought her a $10 makeup bag, Bath and body works otion and spray $10 for 2 items after $10 off coupon, wallet for $7 that she asked for, and Victoria Secret panties 5/$15 with $10 off coupon, and a Florida Gator t-shirt on sale for $12. She wants a gym membership that is $20 a month so I told her we will pay for her first 3 months. Looks like I am getting away cheap with her.
DD2 is not fun. She does not know what she wants other than a digital camera. I will not pay more than $150 and I am researching them online for the best low budget camera. If anyone knows of one let me know. I did get her a $20 gift card to Claires jewelry store.
So far I have spent $64 and will for sure spend another $210. I will allow another $70 each after that.
I am baking 7 layer cookie bars and making buck eyes for the neighbors and co-workers, DH and I will not exchange nor will my sister and I, my parents get gift cards to movies and panera, and in-laws I have no idea. They live in the Carolinas. My sister does too so she bought gifts that I will send her a check for my neice and nephew that is $62 for both.
This coming year I will start saving $40 per month for Christmas. I am working an extra shift this sunday and will make enough to pay for the camera but I hate working when I do not have to.
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December 7th, 2007 at 05:23 pm
Well I have not been on this site in forever. Life gets in the way. Mainly life with a teenager. I feel like I will never get ahead financially until both my children move out. One is turning 18 on christmas eve and the other just turned 13. Both are girls. It seems that everytime things are starting to look up then something happens. My husbands truck is falling apart and that is what he uses for work, my daughters car needs some work (hopefully minor) my health insurance isn't covering anything because they said that everything is pre-existing so we are getting bills for eye doctor and primary care visits. Now it is Christmas! I feel so overwhelmed sometimes :-(
Posted in
September 17th, 2007 at 10:29 pm
I have not posted since July as I have not really been too motivated. After looking at real estate properties for sale in NC I am motivated once again. Our goal is 3 years. I want my bills to be paid off... at least half of them by then. I am thinking that we will probably profit $158k from the sale of our house and I can use some of that to pay off the other half of the debt. I hate where we live now. I grew up here and it was considered a rural area. Now with Disney, MGM, Epcot, Universal, and Sea World everyone and their brother comes here to live and work. It seems that the people that are drawn to this area are how can I put this...ghetto?? The teens are spray painting all over Orlando, you hear the base from car radios everywhere you go, the schools are becoming dangerous. I do not want my 12 year old to go high school here that is why my goal is 3 years. I have paid off one small CC and I will have another paid off by next week. Then I will pay off the others with the highest CC interest rate first. Reading everyone post motivates me.
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July 20th, 2007 at 01:47 pm
Well Monday we leave for NC to visit my DS. This past week has not been good for the budget. My DH had no decent clothes so we had to buy him some shorts, shirts and underwear. This set us back $135.00 and put on CC. My sis had my DD1 for the last 10 days and took her to NYCfor 2 days. She paid for everything hotel, food sightseeing so I am showing my appreciation and I bought her something at Yankee Candle, my nephew a spider man shirt and socks and I will buy my neice an outfit. This cost me $30 so far. I bought myself a shirt on clearance for $10. I also had to order myself new contact lenses. The prescription expires next month. That cost $156 but will last for the year. Had to put that on a CC as well. After I come back from vacation I am going to start a savings account for these types of occasional spendings. On the other hand a rep for a company gave my partner and I $25 GC to a grocery store, another rep brought the clinic lunch from Moe's, other reps brought pastries and donuts which my partner and I split and brought home. I will be working this weekend so I will not spend any money. Can't wait for Monday!
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July 10th, 2007 at 10:55 pm
Today I was off and took my dd2 and neighbor girls to a water theme park. We bought the kids tickets for $45 at the beginning of the summer and they can go unlimited times during the weekfor the whole year. It keeps them entertained. They have been 6 times already so we have gotten our moneys worth. They usually pack a lunch. I did have to pay $4 in tolls and a few bucks in gas. Us parents take turns driving. I came home and mowed the lawn and pulled weeds. It is just so hot here that you cannot stay out for too long without feeling lousy. I now have a 7lb turkey in the oven that I forgot I had in the freezer. I am going to try to use up what we have already and save on food. I would like to use the savings for our NC trip. Starting this week I am paying $18 every week (plus the minimum)to a cc with a low balance so that it will be paid off in 4 months and I will have saved $182 in interest if I made the minimum payment they request. It is a start!!
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July 9th, 2007 at 10:07 pm
I have decided to get with the program again. I have had a career change which now allows me to actually save and pay down my debts. Before there was not even enough to pay the bills and we were just borrowing from Peter to pay Paul. My new job is in an emergency clinic and I love it. It is exciting. I am not making a killing but it is more than I was making before and it is steady. I can actually create a budget now. I did that for July and I am on target. We are going to visit my sister in NC the week of the 23rd so I am saving up $350.00 for that trip. I have $159 saved so far plus $20 in change. This is the first time I can do something like this and not feel guilty or irresponsible about it. One way I have found I can save money is by paying cash for groceries. I have set aside $120 a week and whatever I can buy with that is all I buy. I spent $76 so far and I am going to go through my pantry and freezer now and see what is there that I can use for the rest of the week without having to spend my left over $44 minus having to buy creamer. This will go towards NC fund. Once school starts I will use all extra money to pay down debt. Our goal is to move to NC in the next 4 to 5 years. I want to be debt free by that time.
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November 15th, 2006 at 02:36 am
Well today I got into a little argument with my Dad. My mom and dad told me that they would pay for my last two classes at the community college. I want to go to nursing school and I have to take these two pre-requisite classes for entrance into the program. Well since they made that offer to me and have paid for one class and bought the books my dad pays attention to our purchases and what we do or where we go. It is so annoying. For example, a couple of times I told him I was going somewhere and he said "Oh, thats far and gas is so expensive." Another time it was "Wow honey your Halloween party must have been expensive.Can you really afford to do those things?" Needless to say it was'nt expensive. I bought Walmart brand chips soda and the neighbor pitched in. And I made cupcakes and had cheap hotdogs and buns. I explained all of this to him but I should'nt have to justify this to my dad. I am 41 years old! So today he asks me if my DH was going to be paid for taking off last friday to go hunting. He is but what if I would have said no. My dad would have lectured me for an hour. It's really non of his business. So I told my mom I do not want another penny from them if this is how my Dad is going to act. She said that it is her money too and they will pay for it. I am not going to accept it I have made up my mind. Can anyone out there relate to this?
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November 13th, 2006 at 04:08 am
I wonder what I am going to do with myself after my kids are grown and out of the house. I swear everything I do, say, buy and feel is in regards to my girls. Everyday after school there are 3 girls that their parents aren't home when they get home from school and they come straight to our house. They watch t.v. or get on the computer. They talk loud and laugh loud. Sometime I have to open the door and tell them to go outside and play. This friday night I let 3 girls spend the night. They stayed most of Sat. morning. Then I let two of the same girls spend the night on Sat. I made a fire in our chimnea for them and let them run the house. Then today my neighbor and I went to the Humane Society for orientation so that our girls can volunteer there. Then we took them to the movies. Of course my husband is in GA hunting or I probably would not have allowed all this due to him wanting peace and quiet. Then next weekend is DD2's slumber party for her bday and she told me that she passed out her 12 invites and then gave out 2 more that she wrote on notebook paper!! I know. It is my fault. I am putting a stop to it because I am going cuckoo. I told DD2 that from now on the girls go home after school and get their snacks and relax for awhile and then they need to take turns going to each others houses. Also sleepovers only every other week. God it feels good to rant about this. Oh, and DD1 is 16 and she thinks she is going on 25. Aren't I mean, I will not let her curfew be 2:00 a.m. like some of the other girls she knows (or so she says) I will also not let her spend the night at anyone's house because I know how other girls tell their parents they are spending the night somewhere and then they go crash at 20 yr olds apartments. She cannot believe that I don't trust her. Let's face it. Teenagers will be teenagers. I was one once after all and guess what, I was a bad one! Too bad for DD1 because I know all the tricks.
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November 8th, 2006 at 04:30 am
Well today I subbed for my DD2's teacher from last year. I will sub for her Thurs. as well. Subbed yesterday too but as a teachers aide. I make $70 for teachers and $65 for aides. I do not have an assignment for tommorrow but will check on-line at 6:30 a.m. to see if any teachers call in sick. I get paid every thursday direct deposit and it is such a relief to have the money coming in. We sure need it as DD2's bday is in 2 weeks and she is having a slumber party and she wants an Ipod. DD'2s is in Dec. Then of course there is Christmas and we will be visiting my sis in N. Carolina.
Oh, and it is hunting season and DH is going to Georgia this weekend to hunt.
DD2 has been putting in applications and hope she gets hired soon. I just ordered her class ring, $200. Now she wants a cheerleading jacket for school for $30. DD1 wants brand name tennis shoes that are "so pretty". It is never ending.
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October 31st, 2006 at 01:01 am
Well I am again dedicating myself to saving $. It has been very difficult. I am now substitute teaching but can only find work for 3 to 4 days a week. Would like to work 5 if I could. My dd2 has been looking for work. She really bleeds me dry for $. It is always something. Gas money, movie money, fast food money, Etc. I am keeping a running tab so she can pay me back.
We had our annual Halloween party for the kids. I did not spend much as I had clearance plate, cups and napkins from last year. I bought Walmart brand chips and had help from the neighbor with snack. I bought cheap hot dogs and buns. The kids had a blast. They even had the cops called on them for playing ding dong ditch. The bad thing is I was with them. As the lady ranted and raved I had my back turned to her and in a childish voice I yelled, "Sorry, we won't do it again!" I am sure my daughters party will be the talk of the school all week.
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September 15th, 2006 at 10:26 pm
Today I received FREE samples from walmart for shampoo and conditioner. Perfect for travel.
Went to the mall and bought on clearance 2 sofee shorts my daughter wears that are usually $10 each for $4 each.
Took my DD2's broken glasses to Walmart and the nice optical man fixed them for FREE.
We are having subs tonight from Firehouse Subs (founded by firemen). I have two coupons for FREE medium subs. There is also buy a medium sub and get a kids meal FREE. There are 4 of us so I will take my DD1 and see if I can use the other one at the same time so I will only have to buy 1 sub for dinner.
Have orientaation for substitute teaching on Weds. They will do a drug test at the time and then I should be subbing a week after. So in 2 weeks I should be working and will get my first check at the end of three weeks. That will make all the difference. If you sub at special needs schools they will pay you $100 a day so I will try to work one maybe 4 or 5 times a month. Elementary school only.
My sis and neice and nephew come tomorrow from NC! for the weekend! My BIL works for the airlines so they fly free. We are all going to sleep at my parents house. I might make a breakfast casserole for Sun. morning. It is one that you assemble the night before and pop in the oven in the a.m. Actually called Christmas morning wife saver! Probably will cost about $6.
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September 14th, 2006 at 04:09 pm
Not many good deals these days. Target's coupons are no good and the sale ads for the grocery stores the past two weeks have not provided much savings.
I really need to work however, these days find me staying with my dad after his ileostomy surgery. My mom has a job and she needs a break. I stay with my dad during the day and she has him at night. In a couple of weeks he should be better. I applied for sub teaching but have to go to the orientation. Don't have a date yet. Once I do that I hope to sub every day. We are in a situation now where there is no option of saving or paying down cards. I have to try to live with hardly any money. Thats why I need those good deals!
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September 10th, 2006 at 04:38 am
DD1 used to work over the summer. She had to quit once school started to concentrate on school work which is more important. So now it is back to financing her wants/needs. This weekend was Homecoming. She went with a group of friends and none of them brought dates. This is her third year going and I told her that she had to find a very affordable outfit or she could not go. She did very well with her dress and shoes. They were purchased at Ross for a total of $33. Last night for the game I gave her $5 for football game ticket. Today she used saved money to pay for manicure and pedicure and a friends daughter came over and did her hair and makeup. Then we gave her $40 for dinner and gas. Also they are now taking orders for class rings. For those of you with young kids, be prepared. If you thought diapers and formula were expensive wait till they are teens!
Went to my best friends house w/ DD2 this morning. We went jet skiing. Her DH cooked hamburgers and hotdogs. Free entertainment and food. Well not really. I paid about $5 in tolls and it is 45 minutes from my house so gas too. It was worth it though :-)
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September 7th, 2006 at 07:21 pm
Well the last two days I have spent taking care of my dad so that my mom could go to work and get out of the house for awhile. As a result I have saved on gas & "not necessaries". I did give DD1 $5 for a new school ID and $15 for homecoming tickets. I have been cooking every night and we had leftovers last night. This is one of the biggest changes that I have made because I used to buy alot of takeout due to being sick and tired of cooking.
On sunday my MIL asked my DH and I to come over and see if there was anything we wanted before she sells it at a garage sale. I flat out told her that we do not need anything and that we do not have room for anything. (I knew that it was all junk)Then she said she would cook dinner for us so needless to say we went. Well what she had was nothing but pure junk. As she was showing me the junk I told her that I had that same type of stuff at some point in my 21 yrs of marriage and had taken it to Goodwill long ago and I did not want hers!
She did help me out with dog supplies. They had a dog that died and she gave me three tubes of Advantage flea stuff and I saved about $40 from that, and 1/4 of a box and an entire box of dog treats the kind my dog likes, AND some HartGuard that me dog uses also, so between that and a free dinner it wasn't a wasted trip.
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September 4th, 2006 at 03:40 am
Things are getting back to normal for me. My dad is home and recovering very well so now I can get back into the saving mode.
One day last week after leaving the hospital I went into Wal-mart and did my grocery shopping. I did not look over the sale ads or bring coupons. I spent $100 and did not seem to have much to show for it. Now I realize just how much money you can save when you look over the sale ads and compare and take advantage of the BOGO's and coupons.
My best friend took me out to Port Canaveral yesterday (where the cruise ships take off from)in Cocoa Beach for a bite to eat and a couple of drinks. It was a nice stress reliever and I greatly appreciated her generosity.
My sister who just moved to NC (Boo Hoo we have lived within 6 miles of each other our entire lives) told me that the buddy passes for the airlines (her DH works for US Air) are now $75 up from $40 due to oil prices. Sis offered to pay 1/2 but even so I do not think I can come up with $75 so soon (only DD2 and I would go). Maybe in 2 or 3 weeks. I will have to start a savings fund for visits to NC. Her and her DH and kids can fly here for free so we are expecting her to come see us often.
Posted in
August 28th, 2006 at 11:51 pm
My dad is doing better every day. He was able to eat popsicles today and you would have thought that he was eating filet mignon. He was also able to get up and walk a little. The morphine sure makes him say some funny things too.
Parking at the hospital is $7 a day. I paid $15 for 5 days. My mom insisted on giving me $15 more for the next 5 days. I have been been bringing food from home for us all to have for lunch the past two days.
Unfortunately DD1 lost her cell phone and fortunately we have insurance on it and I ordered her a new one for $50. Also, her school sent home a notice for class rings for the year 2008 with a $50 deposit. She is only in the 11th grade. Also homecoming is coming up and I told her she could go but I would not spend more than $20 on a dress. Well she found one today at Ross and a pair of shoes for $13 so I guess she is going.
Tropical storm Ernesto is causing people to freak out and go crazy buying gas and non-perishables. I stopped today to get gas because I needed it and the station was out of regular and mid-grade. I did get some at 7-11. The school board just called with an automated message saying that school may be closed on Wednsday.
Tommorrow I will be at the hospital all day and then I start my Human Anatomy and Physiology class tommorrow night.
One more class after this one and then I can apply for the nursing program. After today I know more than ever that this is what I want to do.
Posted in
August 28th, 2006 at 02:25 am
Thank you to everyone for your comments and prayers for my family. My father is doing well. His surgery was long and he is recovering slowly. He has slept for the last three days waking only ocassionaly. He was taken out of ICU yesterday and is now on a step down floor. We do not know when he can come home.
Because of circumstances I have not been spending much money. We have been alternating between buying food in the hospital cafeteria and bringing food in from home.
I did go on an interview at the local college on Thursday and it looks promising. It is a 20 to 30 hour a week job and I can choose the hours. I will know by Wedns.
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August 19th, 2006 at 09:19 pm
My dad went for a colonscopy on Weds. On thurs. they called with the results. He has colon cancer. This is his 3rd time. They said that is extremely rare and that he must carry the gene for the cell. He first got it when he was 38 and then 4 yrs later. He is now 63. They want my dad to have ileostomy where they remove the large intestine so that this will not happen again. The doctor said the surgery will be hard as my dad is overweight, has lots of scar tissue from before, and hernias. His surgery is this thursday. My poor sister is moving to NC on tuesday and she is beside herself w/ guilt and grief. I did warn her this could happen when she told us she was going to move but it is too late now as they already bought a home. I am making dinner and cupcakes and bringing them to her house tonight and helping her pack. Of course she will be there for the surgery and unfortunately miss her daughters first day of 1st grade. Please pray for my family.
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August 16th, 2006 at 08:59 pm
Did not go in the attic today. Too hot. What the heck was I thinking? I went to Super Target instead because I had coupons that I printed from their website. I got excellent deals. They had:
$1 off Goldfish crackers (the bags) they were $1.37 so I paid .37 cent each!
$1 off 12 pack of coke/diet coke. They were on sale for 4/$10.00 so I paid $1.50 each. I got 6.
BOGO Jazz Diet Pepsi. They were $1 each so I got them for .50.
.75 off Ragu sauce. They were $1.34 so I paid .59 each. I bought 4 of them.
All together I saved $19 using coupons today.
Today I also made an appt. with Kelly services to be a substitute teacher. I used to be one 3 years ago then I was offered a full time job with a school. Well the automated system has been calling me for the past three yrs because I was not taken off. Well I know that I am not active so I called today to tell them to stop calling me because it is approx. 3x's a day and it is annoying. Then I thought maybe I should just start subbing again. It is flexible, you work when you want, no weekends, holidays etc. So they said that all I have to do to activate myself again is to have my fingerprints taken again and a criminal background check. They said I should be able to start subbing again by Sept. 5th. Yeahh! They pay $60 a day if you do not have a bachelors degree. I can even do this while pursuing my nursing career.
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August 16th, 2006 at 01:48 pm
Well yesterday I thought was a no spend day but my DD1 had to do a project for school and needed to print something out and we were out of black ink. We had to go to buy some and that costs around $22. Darn!
Now already this morning I spent $20 to renew my suscription to Webroot Spy Sweeper. The computer was acting really wierd and I am sure it was due to spyware.
Today I am not going anywhere just staying home and going through the attic. I may have a garage sale on Saturday.
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August 15th, 2006 at 11:36 pm
Today I stayed home and applied for jobs online. These days you do not even have to leave your house to look for a job. The other day I did apply in person at a BJ's and they called me today for an interview for next tues. I just want to work PT.
I also worked in my yard. I mowed, raked, and pulled many weeds. My back yard has been completely taken over by weeds. This was due to our yard flooding in the past. My DH put in a french drain and now we do not notice any pooling of water. Of course it has not been raining here much lately so we hope it works. Anyway our only recourse is to take out all the weeds and resod the yard. We do not have the $ now. We will have to wait on it.
Tomorrow should be another stay home day w/ no spending as I want to go through the attic and see what I can sell at a yard sale this weekend.
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August 14th, 2006 at 07:47 pm
Here are my totals for the week:
Food- 101.04
Gas- 43.35
Bills- 533.00
Toiletries- 14.47
Household- 59.08 (inc. lawn pest control guy spraying for cinch bugs)
Kids lunch- 14.00
Dining out- 12.46
Dh cash- 20.00
pet food- 21.07
School misc-19.69
Car misc- 67.72 (front end alignment)
Not necc- 157.80 (ouch!)
Clothes- 40.97 (2 hoodies from Aeropostale normally $39 each they are on sale now for 50% off pre-winter and I had a $10 off coupon. Did not need now but will eventually and this is much cheaper. Oh, plus DH undies)
Entertainment- 20.00
Charity- 15.00 (school donations)
Dr- 78.00 (my contact exam)
Saved $13.05
For a grand total of $1121.37!!
This week there will be:
NO not necessary!
I will cook all week
Not buy clothes or school supplies
I will keep food at $80 or less
Entertainment at $20 or less
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